The team at Innova Logic knows that time is money. Unplanned outages and failures cost in downtime — but what about the cost of human capital, profits and ultimately, unhappy customers? That can be a pretty big number.
That’s why we are so heavily focused on reliability and solutions that support uptime. Our team and capabilities are here for you by offering a world of services to keep your plant running.
▶ Engineered Services
•Machine Diagnostics — All Rotating Machines
•Machine Service and Remanufacturing
Processes Oversight
• Project Management
• Bearing and Forensic Failure Analysis
• Large Motor Installation Management
•Installation and Commissioning
• Remote Monitoring Programs
• Asset Management Programs
•Power Distribution and Switch Diagnostic
and Consulting
•Rail and Locomotive Traction Systems
▶ Legacy Products and New Products
— Source and Supply
• Replacement of Large and Specialty
Motors to 30,000 hp
• Exclusive North American Representative
for Menzel Motors
• Remanufactured Motors and Machines
• New Engineered Gearboxes — SEW
Eurodrive Authorized Representative
• Remanufactured Gearboxes and Power
• Machine Base Systems, Auxiliary
Component Design and Manufacture
We understand that everyone is working with fewer staff, which means less maintenance manpower in the plant. Nevertheless, we know that your plant has to keep running.
With over 150 years of combined expertise in power gen, steel, mining, ships, rail and large manufacturing the team at Innova Logic is in your plant and ready to help on day one. We are able to mobilize when you need us — 24/7. Let us team up with you and together we will solve some of the most difficult challenges facing your plant today.